Friday, September 6, 2013

"Underwater" Mortgages Decline More Homeowners in a Position to Sell

 The improvement has been seen in every region of the country, although it varies by location. While some states and cities are doing much better than average, others that experienced the strongest price increases and sharpest drop-off during the recession have a higher percentage of underwater mortgages.
Colorado as a whole is much better than the national average with just 14.2 percent of homeowners having negative equity. That’s down sharply from 20.7 percent just a year ago. 

See below for further details:


Seven Reasons a For Sale By Owner does not add up

For Sale By Owner:
The Drawbacks of Going it Alone on a Home 
With housing on the upturn, multiple offers and rising sales prices are being
reported in our market. Some potential home sellers might think that selling
their home simply requires placing a “for sale” sign in their front yard. Many
sellers have learned the hard way that selling a home in today’s marketplace
is much more difficult than they imagined; their efforts to save money on
commissions may have been more costly than they anticipated.
Before venturing into doing the do-it-yourself option of being a for-sale by
owner (FSBO), you need to fully understand what is involved in the selling
of real estate and then compare the perceived advantages and the actual
disadvantages of trying to sell your property on your own.